Heiniger, Abigail

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Name: Dr. Abigail Heiniger


Contact Information: ed1911@wayne.edu 

Major: English, Ph.D. 

Interests: Nineteenth-Century Literature, Martial Arts, Cooking

Dissertation: Jane Eyre and Her Transatlantic Literary Descendants: The Heroic Female Bildungsroman and Constructions of National Identity

Working Book Title: The Lost Slipper: Transatlantic Appropriations of Jane Eyre. Under contract for the Fairytales Series with Wayne State University Press. Donald Haase, editor. 


Fairy Tales in Visual Media

(I would post all my material for the Midterm Project here - notice that I put my NAME in all my links - otherwise there will be NUMEROUS anonymous "Midterm"s)! 


Final Project


Group Presentation



Cinderella in America